Morning Mantra

“Good morning, Great Spirit. I love you.” ❤️

This has been my morning mantra for twenty years; the first thing I think or say as soon as I wake up. It is a simple yet powerful practice that sets the tone for my day. It aligns my consciousness with Greater Mind. It helps me get out of my own way. It tells the universe inside of me that I put it first and it opens a divine portal so that light can enter my body and world. I put this light first because I live by its power to heal every day. It is the ‘Divine Love Affair’ and when we pull it into the everyday workings of our lives, we begin to live by the law of miracles.

“Good morning, Great Spirit. I love you. Thank you for all of the gifts you’re constantly giving me and thank you for guiding me through this beautiful day.”

Photo by Jordan Wozniak. Meme by Ryan Padgett. ❤️